Peter Baker

Peter Baker


Consulting Programmer



Ph.D. Computerized Tomography 1989 UMIST, Manchester, UK
M.Sc. Instrumentation and Analytical Science 1985 UMIST, Manchester, UK
B.Sc. Physics 1981 Manchester, UK

Work History

1998-Present: Managing Director, Searchmaster Ltd, UK.
1994-1999: Visiting Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry Facility, UCSF, San Francisco, CA.
1993-1995: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Poznan Technical University, Pozan, Poland.
1987-1993: Principal Programmer, Kratos Analytical, Manchester, UK.
1987-1998: Instrumentation Tutor, Open University, UK.
1986-1987: Part Time Lecturer, Salford Technical College, Salford, UK.
1982-1984: Instrumentation Engineer, Ruston Gas Turbines, Lincoln, UK.

Research Interests

Since 1995 I have been the main developer of the Protein Prospector proteomics package. Current research topics include scoring, finding modified peptides, quanatitation, and improving algorithm efficiency.

Select Publications

Chalkley, R.J., Baker, P.R., Huang, L., Hansen, K.C., Allen, N.P., Rexach, M. and Burlingame, A.L., Comprehensive Analysis of a Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Dataset acquired on a QqTOF Mass Spectrometer: 2. New Developments in Protein Prospector allow for reliable and comprehensive automatic analysis of large datasets, Mol Cell Proteomics, 4, 1194-2004 (2005). [Pubmed]

Chalkley, R.J., Baker, P.R., Hansen, K.C., Medzihradszky, K.F., Allen, N.P., Rexach, M. and Burlingame, A.L., Comprehensive Analysis of a Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Dataset acquired on a QqTOF Mass Spectrometer: 1. How much of the data is theoretically interpretable by search engines, Mol Cell Proteomics, 4, 1189-1193 (2005). [Pubmed]

Huang, L., Baldwin, M.A., Maltby, D.A., Medzihradszky, K.F., Baker, P.R., Allen, N., Rexach, M., Edmondson, R.D., Campbell, J., Juhasz, P., Martin, S.A., Vestal, M.L., and Burlingame, A.L., The identification of protein-protein interactions of the nuclear pore complex of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using high throughput matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry, Mol Cell Proteomics, 1(6), 434-50 (2002). [Pubmed]

Clauser, K. R., Baker, P.R. and Burlingame, A.L., Role of accurate mass measurement (+/- 10 ppm) in protein identification strategies employing MS or MS/MS and database searching, Analytical Chemistry, 71(14), 2871-2882 (1999). [Pubmed]

Grabowski, J., Ke-Cheng, H., Baker, P. R., Bornman, C. H., Fluorogenic compound hydrolysis as a measure of toxicity-induced cytoplasmic viscosity and pH changes, Environ Pollut, 98(1), 1-5 (1997). [Pubmed]

National Institute of General Medical SciencesAdelson Medical Research Foundation